Optimizing the Built Environment
Every project has a story. Every owner has a vision. Every end user has an experience. We focus on providing our clients with the knowledge, expertise, and insight they need to optimize their environment. We design our building systems to achieve our client’s goals that work exceptionally well within the boundaries of the aesthetic environment, site conditions, environmental responsibilities, code requirements, and structural needs of each specific facility.
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
Relocation/New Research Center Design
New York, NY
Headquarters & Manufacturing Facility
Coatesville, PA
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Multiple Projects
New Haven, CT
American University of Central Asia
New Academic Building
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
American Water
New Headquarters LEED Fundamental & Enhanced Commissioning
Camden, NJ
Apsley by Sunrise
WELL Platinum Assisted Living Tower
New York, NY
Atlantic Building
Adaptive Reuse LEED Fundamental and Enhanced Commissioning
Philadelphia, PA
Boston Scientific
Global Headquarters
Marlborough, MA
Bristol Myers Squibb
High Containment Suite
New Brunswick, NJ
Brooklyn Navy Yard Building 92
Restoration & Addition
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Navy Yard Dock 72
Commissioning Services
Brooklyn, NY
Brown University
Aquatics and Fitness Center
Providence, RI
Cambridge Public Schools
New Energy Efficient Schools
Cambridge, MA